2015 Program

The Fisher Memorial Program was held on April 17, 2015 at the Spring Meeting of the ABA Business Law Section in San Francisco, California.

The topic was “Enhanced Government Regulation: The Path to Consumer Protection or an Obstacle to Innovation?”

The program covered the effects of enhanced regulation in the financial services area and considered whether that regulatory environment is creating impediments to innovation in underwriting and delivery of services.  It also considered the actions of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in attempting to accommodate those potentially conflicting concerns.

The moderator was John R. Chiles, Partner, Burr & Forman LLP, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

The panelists were:

  • Thomas Brown, Attorney, Paul Hastings LLP, San Francisco, CA
  • Ryan Falvey, Director, Innovation Labs, Center for Financial Services Innovation, San Francisco, CA
  • Dan Quan, Senior Advisor to the Director, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, Washington, DC
  • Lauren E. Willis, Professor, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, CA

The 2015 Fisher Memorial Program – Enhanced Government Regulation: The Path to Consumer Protection or an Obstacle to Innovation?

Learn more about the Fisher Memorial Program.